Shango - Shango Funk Theology (1983)
Some more Bambaataa Funk for your minds. Courtesy of Cheesy Chees.
A1 - Shango Message
A2 - Thank You
A3 - Soca Fever
B1 - Zulu Groove
B2 - Let's Party Down
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Some more Bambaataa Funk for your minds. Courtesy of Cheesy Chees.
A1 - Shango Message
A2 - Thank You
A3 - Soca Fever
B1 - Zulu Groove
B2 - Let's Party Down
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Posted by
2:25 PM
Don't know anything about this release but most things with Bambaataa involved are dope. Courtesy of Cheesy Chees
A1 - The 40oz Crew (The Drunk Mix)
A2 - The 40oz Crew (Inst. Mix)
A3 - Watch Me Now
A4 - Can You Flow
A5 - Can You Comprehend
A6 - Zulu Shout (Part 1)
B1 - Very Special (Radio Mix)
B2 - Very Special (Inst. Mix)
B3 - Zulu War Chant
B4 - In A Minute
B5 - The Zulu Shout (Part 2)
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Posted by
2:07 PM
It's 1984 and I'm in my mate's basement breakin' to a streetsounds electro tape, dunno which one but it could've been any one of 4 that were out at the time and in walks an 'acquaintance' shall we say, who's not really into the scene but knows some people and he stops the tape, pulls another out of his pocket and places that into the machine and presses play. We were obviously outraged and although he was a bit of a stocky individual but we had numbers so were about to lay into him (verbally) when this track came on. I had to just stand and listen, couldn't move, the thumping intro and then the 'dj chuck chill out, dj chuck chill out..wha, wha, whatcha gonna do' and the resulting cutting and scratching extravaganza just had me mesmerised for about 7 minutes and I knew I wanted, no needed that tape, (no chance of getting the wax, I was a kid and had no money). Needless to say it took me months to get it and it wasn't directly off of him, it was through numerous friends and by then the sound quality had deteriorated quite substantially but anything was better than nothing. It did take me a long time to acquire my own copy and I did have to settle for the re-issue in the end but it's the tune and the ability to hold the vinyl in my hands that I was after. To me the fact that I remember where I was the first time I heard it would indicate two things. One is how impressionable we were when we were young 'uns which is true for everyone I guess and the other is just how good this record and many others from this particular era were and still are today.
Posted by
4:24 AM
A classic 12" for a cold and snowy Sunday morning. Just two cuts on here, vocal and instrumental.
>>Download Here<<
Posted by
3:21 AM
Stompin' golden age 12" from '89 and a must have in my opinion. I never managed to cop the OG so had to plump for this re-issue about 4-5 years ago but that didn't bother me as it was the tune I was after. I heard this on a WBLS tape I bought from my local record store, (which was Warp Records at the time and I still have the tape), but never saw it around and then it was too late and it passed me by. There was also a reissue of 'Listen To The Man' (look how many want it) which I did own back then but traded it ages back and so I bought the repress of that too. The man Paul C is involved once again so nuff said.
Posted by
4:19 AM
I've only had this 12" for around 3-4 years now, got it off ebay from the USA and the postage cost me 3 times as much as I paid for the wax but I wanted it and it's pretty scarce so I bit the bullet. The guy I bought it from got it from the Jam Pony Express DJ team, as you can see from the stamp, and they're pretty well known stateside I'm lead to believe. I first heard this on a Mike Allen tape from '87 that a mate recorded on a visit to London, (his only reason for visiting London that particular day). He asked me if I wanted to go but I declined after he said he was 'just going to wander the streets and get the first train back in the morning'. I really didn't fancy roughing it in London so he managed to blag someone else to go along and he did let me copy the tapes when he got back which was surprising as he could be a bit of a twat. I've not seen him for about 15 years..
Posted by
3:26 AM
6 track extravaganza by Malcolm Mclaren & the World's Famous Supreme Team and produced by the legendary record producer Trevor Horn who, amongst many others, was also responsible for Art Of Noise's 'Beatbox' and this one of course.
Posted by
6:52 AM