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Thursday, January 07, 2010

Magnetic Force - Hip Hop Bystander

I've only had this 12" for around 3-4 years now, got it off ebay from the USA and the postage cost me 3 times as much as I paid for the wax but I wanted it and it's pretty scarce so I bit the bullet. The guy I bought it from got it from the Jam Pony Express DJ team, as you can see from the stamp, and they're pretty well known stateside I'm lead to believe. I first heard this on a Mike Allen tape from '87 that a mate recorded on a visit to London, (his only reason for visiting London that particular day). He asked me if I wanted to go but I declined after he said he was 'just going to wander the streets and get the first train back in the morning'. I really didn't fancy roughing it in London so he managed to blag someone else to go along and he did let me copy the tapes when he got back which was surprising as he could be a bit of a twat. I've not seen him for about 15 years..

  1. Vocal
  2. Instrumental
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1 comment: said...

Hey, there is really much helpful material above!