ZSNES is an emulator that emulates the Super Nintendo game console so that you can play Snes games on your computer, and it's the best one out there too. This version was just released December 21st with tons of bug fixes and other added features. I haven't had enough patience to sit down and figure out everything that this emulator does but from reading the readme.txt that comes with it, it looks like it can do tons of things besides just regular game play. About the only thing I use on a regular basis is save states, so when you get through an annoying or really hard part you can then save it and restart there if you die or decide you wanna retry a part (F2 to save, F4 to restart from that point). If you know how to do port fowarding you can use the Netplay feature which allows you to connect with another computer so you and your friend can play each other at tennis or some shit. I guess at this time only two computers can connect for Netplay. One pretty cool feature is the ability to record what you're playing, both video and audio. Here's someone beating Super Mario Brothers in 17 minutes using the ZSNES.
Playing games on an emulator is 1000 times better if you have a computer capable game controller which you should be able to find at a radio shack or other similar store for about $15-20. Once you install the driver for the game pad you're going to have to configure it for use with the ZSNES. Go into Config/Input/Keyboard Game Pad, then just click on Up - push up on your game pad, click Down, push down, etc. then just close out of that window and you're now ready for games. In the emulator world games are called ROMS and Super Nintendo roms are usually .SMC files. When you download a rom I suggest you create a folder for it and stick it in there because when you load the rom and use save states, other various files get created, so it just helps to keep your files organized. Same with the ZSNES, put it in its own folder (it doesn't install as a program, so just remember where you put the folder). To load a ROM you can either double-click it and find the zsnes through explorer or just start up the emulator and click Game/Load then use the directory to find the rom. I'll be posting occasional SNES games and maybe some others like the regular NES Emulator/games, Game Boy, and Sega Genesis. Not sure though because I'm mostly a fan of Super Nintendo, but drop me a comment if you'd like to see those.
Here's a list of Game Genie cheat codes that work for the ZSNES.
Also here's the ZSNES website for more information if you need it. Don't forget to *try* and read the readme file that comes with the emulator.
That's it, have fun and drop any questions in the comments!
This is the Windows version and it requires DirectX 8.0 or greater to run. Otherwise you will get various missing dll errors.
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